A site about the radio listening hobby and my activities therein - longwave, mediumwave, shortwave, FM, and television DXing. A site about the radio listening hobby in all its forms, or at least the forms that interest me.

I am also a licenced amateur radio operator, callsign VE3LXL. Information about my amateur radio station is found on my station website.

Monday, 26 December 2011

BBC World Service via Oman

BBC World Service, 11860 kHz, 0450-0500 UTC, in English with fair to poor signal. Quiz show, then ID, then abruptly off air in mid-sentence.

My location: Harrowsmith, Ontario. Received using Kaito KA-1103 with built-in telescopic antenna.

WRTH 2011 lists the BBC here from multiple locations: Ascension, Cypress, French Guiana, and Seychelles. But I checked on short-wave.info and they have this transmission coming from the BBC relay station at Al Seela, Oman. I reckon that short-wave.info is probably more up-to-date than the WRTH, which is a year old now. So I'm logging this as Oman.Link

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